It was just confirmed that my duty was rescheduled and I can't go back to sleep so I decided to write something. It's been a while since I wrote something to my page and I've been thinking to change the title to "The Monthly Assessment" instead...just kidding. Though I attempted to write one but haven't come with a good product. A vast of ideas floods up but words just can't seem to be organized. Maybe because I don't have enough inspiration to do one 'til last night. Just can't imagine how a simple dinner had turned us crazy. Still enjoying the hangover...the dishes, the mess and the left
So, one by one they came. Myra, Kaye, Eds then Ana then Athena and Czarina...just Angel more and we were complete, I guess Angel has the busiest unit from all of them. I should know because Eds and I works in the same unit :) While waiting, everybody got to do their unassigned chores, I just assumed they have chores 'cause you can see everybody's doing something. Somebody's opening the fridge, one preparing the table, the other one was cooling the drinks (what's new, it's Pepsi), one preparing the sauce, some were munching chips while I do my uniforms (have I mentioned earlier that I'm the host). Myra and Athena then saw that my fried tofus were not enough so they have to get a pack or two from their accommodation. I just realized how voracious everybody was with tofu. Nah, the girls are really insatiable. Since Anna is pregnant, we were not able to wait for Angel. So far, that's the most logical reason I came up for not waiting for her.
It was really a great night. We have spent it with people we call friends. I was once asked why I'm friend with one of the girls yet we don't have a common ground. I just shrugged my shoulders and told her that birds don't need to have the same color to flock together. All we need is the superpower to understand where that person is coming from and from that, build your common ground. It doesn't need a lot of common interests but a strong foundation. Yeah, we talk behind our backs, we disagree on some things and we even hate some of the decisions one or two of us makes but we made sure that person knows. It's funny sometimes when you have to informed the absentee. Hey, we're talking about you here and she would say, I know (and she understand). Friends are somebody who understands you even without saying a word. You just stare to each other then you laugh, cry or swear. It's somebody who you can be crazy with, without inhibitions. Somebody who can tell you the most hurtful word that anybody can't say but stays when you are hurt. A very short word but many definitions. It only means that friendship maybe associated with love. You'll never understand until you're into it.
It's been our practice here in the sandpit to host a meal, whoever at that time is not on duty and when almost everybody is available for it. I guess it's just one of the few things that you can do when you are in a place where there are no bars to drink out your problem, no alcohol to sedate your emotions, no cinemas to kill time, no relatives to hang out with or just there were no things you used to enjoy at home. Anyway, I hosted last night dinner and everybody was present and when I say everybody, everybody who were available not excluding some of our friends who are on duty. Meal was not even sophisticated, I believe this is where the saying "it's the thought that counts" applies.
After dinner, we get back to our appetizer...kulitan, harutan at asaran. Can't imagine how our small house accommodated all our noises. Finally, Angel came, ate and I asked her to set up the videoke but everybody disagreed 'cause they were so engrossed with the teleseryes but I was so persistent... I told you I'm the host :) With our soothing voice...ehem we kinda disturbed the neighborhood. I guess the mint tea had helped a lot. We don't know what's with it but it made us excessively active. We were actually waiting for patrol thinking they might have reported us. Thank God they were lullabyed by our songs. I'm so proud my girlfriends were talented, we got to sing a lot of songs...does choruses counts as a song? Maybe. In the middle of the fun somebody called so hiyawan, kantiyawan tapos tawanan na naman. Basically that's what happen most of the night. Later, Ruby came from her dinner date, sang few songs with us and helped us do some aftercare. As much as we wanted to spend the whole night with each other, we have to part ways because Myra has a duty. Just so lucky I was rescheduled.